All nations celebrate their birth in different ways, depending on the customs and traditions of each country. They may express their joy in the various ways available to receive a new child in the family, but some countries indulge in strange ways, different customs and rituals. In order to protect them from envy and evil spirits, some people may hold the umbilical cord, force the child to cry continuously, prevent him from touching the land for a few years, and arrest the mother in a dedicated room and eat her own placenta.
Celebrating the baby in Japan
The baby is celebrated in Japan by placing the umbilical cord in a decorated box, in addition to a Japanese dress. This is the desire of the ladies to keep my memory from this day. They also force the children to cry because they think this makes him healthy. Good, and able to drive evil spirits out of his body, there may be many competitions that involve making children cry, and who cries louder wins the competition.
Celebrating Newborns in China
The newly born women are kept in a room for forty days a day in China prevented from the air and air conditioners, from the risk of disease, and do some inherited habits of assembling the fabrics of the rich and working on them, The child is as rich as they are, and as they give the new children the red eggs, to be a symbol of happiness and renewal, and give him another one after the child is the first month, and as parents and loved ones give the child gifts and celebrate the completed moon.
The celebration of the new child in Malaysia
There are customs and traditions in Malaysia, which are concerned with the care of the mother after birth, through massage and hot stones, and peeling the body completely to get rid of the changes that the child is subjected after birth, and the husband work at home instead of his wife, Treatment is gentle and gentle.
its celebrations of birth India celebrates the child by throwing it from a high height, which is a dangerous habit that affects his life, the people of Maharashtra may take the children from the top temples, so that they are smarter and wisdom and courage, and some individuals from the bottom to receive the child on Soles, so as not to fall in the ground.
In the State of Pakistan
people in Pakistan receive children by removing the pregnant woman from her family and being isolated in a place away from the people, believing that the mother is not pure at birth, and presents the child with toys, new clothes or money.
Habits of Brazil
The mother receives souvenirs for every person who comes to visit her son in Brazil. This is at birth in the hospital or home. Gifts are presented as a thank-you note to the visitors on behalf of the new child. The habit has been widespread in many places around the world. Mothers are interested in processing reception rooms, for visitors.
Children in Trinidad
receive children in this country by putting money in their hands, this is to increase prosperity and blessing in the family, and the blessing makes the baby rich.
Africa celebrates exotic customs
Some African countries receive children by mouth-washing, which is done by putting the mother's water in the baby's mouth first, and the goal is to increase the ties between the mother and her child after he grows up.
Habits in Nigeria
Ghana and Nigeria celebrate the child differently, by burying the placenta, treating it as a twin to the new child, and carrying out funeral ceremonies for the placenta. Many kinds of foods are placed on the tongue of the child in Nigeria, Water and salt and cold pepper on the tongue of the child, and this through the child to live a quiet and happy life free of any unrest, and rid of the grief that is exposed to any person in life, and these are the customs of African countries such as Nigeria and Ghana, which is one of the easiest habits to take place In the new baby reception, other non-habits, which pose a danger to the child.