The Most Deadly Behind That Helps Healing - Always impressed animal kingdoms between pets and peace and between strong and struggling, but their scientists to turn a blind animal out of poison because of their invaluable toxins in one development from new drugs to diseases such as chronic pain, diabetes, and even cancer. This list takes a look at 10 deadly creatures used in science to help heal the sick.
1. poison frog
Stealing poisoned frogs reptiles that eat them like ants or insects or forty - four years. This happens when the frogs eat them once and again - the use of toxins through the skin layers of brightly colored, which helps to avoid predators.
Nevertheless the poison poison toxins that have helped create the painkillers but when injected into mice, a small percentage of the toxins appear so discontinued drugs, but other families emerge from the frogs, showing promising results for those that impact on appetite suppression , Muscle relaxants, anesthesia for the heart.
2. sea anemone
There are only ten types of non-toxic anemones but the whole rest of Sam. A type characterized in that the system has a strong enough to penetrate human skin, and like an anemone that is already useful to other animals, it can be beneficial to humans.
Created a drug biotechnology company called, which is derived from the toxins from within the anemone, and aims of this drug to treat people suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis and multiple sclerosis, due to traditional treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as chemotherapy for Disease, requiring the suppression of the entire immune system as a result, some mild illnesses such as cold potency are fatal to those with that immense immune system. But does not target only the disease - causing the cells, and with the immune system of the leaf intact and is capable of protection.
3. Crazy monster
Lizards are a monster generation not fatal to humans, but sting causes severe pain and bleeding, but they have proven that they can be useful to humans for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. It contains only 5-10 meals a year, and contains the protein , a protein - like the GLP-1 protein in humans, which helps the body to regulate in the amount of insulin they produce.
The drug made from this protein, beta, helps patients with Type II diabetes to maintain levels of health glucose, and also leads to weight loss and decreased appetite and is approved by the FDA.
4. Frog bayberry
Secreted bayberry frogs of many proteins through the skin, also secreted hallucinogenic toxins cause tachycardia and vomiting. One of the proteins that has been identified in the toxin is a Dermorvin substance, which is stronger at about 40 times than morphine not reaching into the limits of addiction, and in addition to their tranquil nature, this protein actually has that ability to limit Growth of blood vessels.
While this may not seem like a good thing, it turns out that it is very good at cancer and tumor research. After reaching a certain size, you need most of the cancer tumors from the blood vessels to get the necessary oxygen and nutrients. Thus, control of growth and with the size of the blood vessels supplying the tumor can actually allow the doctor to die and get rid of the cancer.
5. Spider tarantula Chile flowering
Is a muscular dystrophy of genetic disease, which has no known medication yet, which causes damage from the muscles of the body even makes the patients unable to move and becomes confined to a wheelchair, but the blessing for this spider may not be that of a distant treatment From within our reach again. Through research, they found that there is a protein that the body can stop the destruction of its own muscle mass by cutting off some songs from the affected cells.
In fact, I found a study conducted on mice that when eating a certain dose of this mouse protein, increased muscle strength of the mouse, also found that the protein did not have any toxicity at all in mice. Access to this treatment is a medical revolution in itself because it is not gene therapy but it treats the symptoms of the disease, and helps to counteract the symptoms you are experiencing and provide a calm quality of life somehow for the patient without the use of a wheelchair.
1. poison frog
Stealing poisoned frogs reptiles that eat them like ants or insects or forty - four years. This happens when the frogs eat them once and again - the use of toxins through the skin layers of brightly colored, which helps to avoid predators.
Nevertheless the poison poison toxins that have helped create the painkillers but when injected into mice, a small percentage of the toxins appear so discontinued drugs, but other families emerge from the frogs, showing promising results for those that impact on appetite suppression , Muscle relaxants, anesthesia for the heart.
2. sea anemone
There are only ten types of non-toxic anemones but the whole rest of Sam. A type characterized in that the system has a strong enough to penetrate human skin, and like an anemone that is already useful to other animals, it can be beneficial to humans.
Created a drug biotechnology company called, which is derived from the toxins from within the anemone, and aims of this drug to treat people suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as psoriasis and multiple sclerosis, due to traditional treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as chemotherapy for Disease, requiring the suppression of the entire immune system as a result, some mild illnesses such as cold potency are fatal to those with that immense immune system. But does not target only the disease - causing the cells, and with the immune system of the leaf intact and is capable of protection.
3. Crazy monster
Lizards are a monster generation not fatal to humans, but sting causes severe pain and bleeding, but they have proven that they can be useful to humans for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. It contains only 5-10 meals a year, and contains the protein , a protein - like the GLP-1 protein in humans, which helps the body to regulate in the amount of insulin they produce.
The drug made from this protein, beta, helps patients with Type II diabetes to maintain levels of health glucose, and also leads to weight loss and decreased appetite and is approved by the FDA.
4. Frog bayberry
Secreted bayberry frogs of many proteins through the skin, also secreted hallucinogenic toxins cause tachycardia and vomiting. One of the proteins that has been identified in the toxin is a Dermorvin substance, which is stronger at about 40 times than morphine not reaching into the limits of addiction, and in addition to their tranquil nature, this protein actually has that ability to limit Growth of blood vessels.
While this may not seem like a good thing, it turns out that it is very good at cancer and tumor research. After reaching a certain size, you need most of the cancer tumors from the blood vessels to get the necessary oxygen and nutrients. Thus, control of growth and with the size of the blood vessels supplying the tumor can actually allow the doctor to die and get rid of the cancer.
5. Spider tarantula Chile flowering
Is a muscular dystrophy of genetic disease, which has no known medication yet, which causes damage from the muscles of the body even makes the patients unable to move and becomes confined to a wheelchair, but the blessing for this spider may not be that of a distant treatment From within our reach again. Through research, they found that there is a protein that the body can stop the destruction of its own muscle mass by cutting off some songs from the affected cells.
In fact, I found a study conducted on mice that when eating a certain dose of this mouse protein, increased muscle strength of the mouse, also found that the protein did not have any toxicity at all in mice. Access to this treatment is a medical revolution in itself because it is not gene therapy but it treats the symptoms of the disease, and helps to counteract the symptoms you are experiencing and provide a calm quality of life somehow for the patient without the use of a wheelchair.