1. Dental explosion disease
Highlighted medical journals in the beginning of the nineteenth century, a strange medical condition began to spread, in which he complained that most cases, the disease known as the explosion of teeth, and conditions were recorded in 1817, the disease made the patients Felt a sharp pain in his mouth, the first case of it went to the doctor for Atkinson's teeth seeking help.
Some doctors have chosen an attempt to ease their pain jogging including cold water, but to no avail, and on the same day the pain disappears when he feels violent and sharp Pferqah resembles a gun shot in his mouth where he goes from one of his teeth, the scientist Has been associated with this disease has been associated with non-perfect dental fillings that rise in electrical chemical reactions can occur, where a tooth explosion comes due to the presence of hydrogen elements in the cavity of the tooth, and at the same time, there is no evidence when dental fillings in it.
2. Greenish diseases
Arises during a strange eighteenth century disease called greenish disease, or Chlorus in Greek, which affects the high society of women and makes them unable to stand for a long time, and whose most important symptom is pain in the joints and Heart palpitations and menopause changes skin color to green.
Doctors have been associated with this disease is a physiological disorder, and also the cause is an injury from one type of female anemia, a disease caused by a diet that followed at the time.
3. The National Hotel in Washington, which is a disease
Appeared in 1850, whose illness has been linked to inmates from the National Hotel in Washington, whose symptoms of swelling of the tongue and inflammation of the intestines and diarrhea have arisen, and the claimed illnesses that live from 40 cases of them are among the victims, the fifth presidents The twelve from the United States of America, James Buchanan, is the physician attributed the cause of this disease is to the polluted air and to the presence of the mice of the place, while some are associated with being the cause is the kitchen slave workers.
4. They are glass diseases
Appeared a temporary illness of the glass inside the late Middle Ages, a kind of mental disorder, so that patients were convinced that it was made of glass, they thought that any movement could lead to the breakup, and the famous figure of the disease was with French King Charles VI in 1400 , Which encourages to wear a steel circle around a single rod to protect it inside the show from exposure to any offensive falls, and prevents one from touching as well, as he spends the last year of his lost memory and strolls inside the corridor of the palace and problems Sounds similar to the screams of wolves, does not release any details about the causes of this disease.
5. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
The disease is inspired by imagination and refers to the arrangement that can accompany children up to the age of the teenager, has been named by this name as it is the famous novelist series Alice in Wonderland, where patients infected with the disease are visual audio blindness and loss of taste Of the time and headache parts, and see everything around them in different sizes, and the conditions go with time and this is harmless, too.
6. Werewolf Syndrome
This disease causes very thick hair growth and covers most of the patient's body, which leads to cover all parts of the whole body and in other cases affecting certain areas, and now there is no cure for this disease, but can be controlled By removing excess hair, whether female or male, where hair growth ranges from a few hours to several weeks.